Privacy policy
K PET d.o.o.
Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (Official Journal of the European Union L 119 , 4 May 2016, page 1, hereinafter: General Data Protection Regulation), which has been in full force since May 25, 2018 in the Republic of Croatia and all member states of the European Union, as well as the Law on Implementation General regulations on data protection (Official Gazette No. 42/18, hereinafter: the Act), i.e. in accordance with the legal framework for the protection of personal data in the Republic of Croatia and the European Union and the best European practice, the company K PET limited liability company for services, with its headquarters in of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb 10 000, Hanamanova 7, registered in the court register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb under registration subject number (MBS): 081526054, personal identification number (OIB): 56991558763 (hereinafter: HYPONIC ADRIA), as manager of personal data processing data of users of its services and customers, created the Privacy Policy.
This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) explains how HYPONIC ADRIA collects, uses and manages your personal information that is on the website and that is accessible to HYPONIC ADRIA by using the website: HYPONIC ADRIA as a web service provider is committed to protecting the privacy of personal data.
HYPONIC ADRIA is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. Please read this policy carefully to understand why and how we collect your personal information and how it will be used. With regard to the personal data we collect, HYPONIC ADRIA is the “controller”, that is, the one who determines the needs for which and the means by which personal data is processed.
Privacy rules are based on the following principles of personal data processing: the principle of legality, transparency and best practice, the principle of limited processing and reduction of the amount of data, the principle of accuracy and completeness of personal data, the principle of limited storage, the principle of integrity and confidentiality of data, the principle of responsibility, the principle of trust and fair processing, the principle of opportunity (purpose of processing), the principle of processing in unnamed (anonymized) form.
The privacy policy applies to all services offered by HYPONIC ADRIA, whereby the purpose of the policy is to inform users and/or customers about the procedures for processing their personal data and their rights in a clear and transparent manner. First of all, users and/or customers can contact HYPONIC ADRIIJA at any time with a request to change or supplement and/or update the data relating to them, as well as with a request for a statement on the purposes for which they want or do not want it their data is processed.
If you would like to contact us regarding these policies or regarding your personal information, please use the following contact information:
K PET d.o.o.,
Hanamanova 7
10,000 Zagreb
OIB: 56991558763
The Data Protection Officer can be reached at:
How and when do we collect your personal data?
We collect your personal data when it is necessary to fulfill your consumer needs or for the needs of our business:
a) while you use our website, we collect types of data such as the date and time of access to the page, information about the hardware, software or Internet browser you use, as well as about your computer’s operating system and application version and your language settings. We may collect information about the clicks and your access to displayed to you,
b) when you access the page, we will collect your IP address, which is also considered personal data,
c) when opening a user account, HYPONIC ADRIA will request the provision of certain information (personal data), such as name and surname, address, country, city, postal code, e-mail address, telephone number, username and password,
d) the customer or the user of our site by entering their personal data after registration, and in the case of a purchase enters into a contractual relationship that is the basis for purchasing products and ordering services at the customer’s choice on In the latter case, the processing of your personal data is necessary for the execution of the contract to which you are a party as a customer or user, or in order to take actions at the request of the respondent before concluding the contract. You can shop at without being our registered user, but we definitely need information about your name, surname, address (place of residence), country, phone number, e-mail address, payment method (IBAN). , delivery address
e) when registering a person as a user or recipient of a newsletter or other information about our products and promotions. As a data controller, we will ask you to enter information (personal data) such as e-mail address, first name, last name and phone number (the latter three types of data are marked as optional). Legal basis