Terms of use of the Internet store
Basic information about the seller
Name: K PET d.o.o.
Abbreviated name: K PET d.o.o.
Headquarters: Hanamanova 7, 10 000 Zagreb
Registered in the register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb
MBS: 081526054
OIB: 56991558763
Business account opened at Erste&Steiermarkische bank d.d. IBAN: HR9624020061101175086
Society member: Katja Usenik
Person authorized for representation: Katja Usenik
Email address: info@hyponic-adria.com
The consumer, in his capacity as a buyer, concludes a sales contract with K PET d.o.o. (hereinafter: the seller) in the capacity of the seller.
Legal entities as customers are subject to the Law on Obligatory Relations and the Law on Electronic Commerce and are not subject to the Law on Consumer Protection. These Terms of Use apply to legal entities in the part related to the main features of the product, the procedure for concluding the contract, the price of the product, the method of payment and shipment of the product, the description of the method of delivery of the product, delivery costs, general information. The seller can, according to his choice, provide the legal entity with the rights that the buyer who is a consumer has in each specific case.
A user is a person who uses the Seller’s website www.hyponic-adria.com, as well as every customer and visitor to the Seller’s website.
The conclusion of sales contracts via the Seller’s website is regulated in accordance with legal provisions, taking into account in particular the principles and provisions of directives and regulations of the European Union. The conclusion of the contract via the Seller’s website constitutes the conclusion of a contract at a distance.
These Terms of Use also represent a pre-contractual notification when a purchase agreement is concluded by a consumer, i.e. any natural person who enters into a legal transaction or operates on the market outside of their trade, business, craft or professional activity, and if the contract is concluded between a trader and a consumer within the framework of an organized sales system or providing a service without the simultaneous physical presence of the merchant and the consumer in one place, whereby one or more means of remote communication are exclusively used until the moment of concluding the contract and for concluding the contract.
Means of remote communication are all means that can be used to conclude a contract at a distance without the simultaneous physical presence of the trader and the consumer, such as the Internet and electronic mail.
The content of the Seller’s website is available in Croatian, English and German. The official language for concluding sales contracts is Croatian.
We invest in the development of the review process. Our reviews are subject to a user identity verification process, and we make every effort to ensure that published reviews come from consumers who have actually used or purchased the product. We do not practice or encourage the submission of false consumer reviews or recommendations, ordering another entity or individual to submit them, misrepresenting consumer reviews or social recommendations to promote a product. We have no influence on the reviews left via Google and Facebook accounts, and we cannot influence their technical settings regarding the verification of the identity of users who give reviews.
General information
Website users are obliged to familiarize themselves with these Terms of Use before starting to use the Seller’s website. If you have additional questions or ambiguities related to the Terms of Use, you can contact the Seller at the e-mail address info@hyponic-adria.com.
By accessing the web pages or using any part of their content, the user accepts the Terms of Use of the web pages, as well as all other rules and conditions of use of the web pages in question and the services provided through them. Users agree not to use websites in a way that harms authors or third parties and accept all risks of using websites and services. If the user does not agree with the above, he is obliged to stop using the websites and the services provided through them.
The content of the website is protected by copyright. Changing, lending, selling or distributing the content is possible only with the prior written permission of the Seller.
The seller enables the website to be used in the best possible way. This includes: monitoring the operation of the server, expansion of capacity according to the number of users, support for users and elimination of possible errors and problems in the operation of the system. The seller does not assume responsibility for any problems in the operation of the pages and services. The Seller cannot guarantee that the use of the Websites will be uninterrupted or error-free. The user agrees that access to the website may sometimes be interrupted or temporarily unavailable.
Users use the website at their own risk. The seller is in no way responsible for the damage that the user may suffer by using his website. Authors and other natural or legal persons involved in the creation, production and distribution of the Seller’s web pages are not responsible for any damage resulting from their use or inability to use them.
The seller reserves the right to disable access to the website www.hyponic-adria.com to users in the event that it is estimated that they are being used in an inappropriate manner. The seller reserves the right to refuse access to the website www.hyponic-adria.com to anyone, based on its own assessments. The user undertakes to use the website in a way that does not endanger the resources and services in their entirety. Inappropriate use of the website
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